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Foundation Course for Grade IX & X

1st Benefit of Foundation Programme - 
Preparing Quality Portfolio 

Foundation Programme is particularly designed for the students of grade 9 & 10 std. In this programme students will learn following syllabus on every weekend and Government Holidays. The details of the assignment is as follows 


1. Developing observation ability via assignment such as Still Life and Nature. This pattern of syllabus also helps students those who have chosen Arts as a academic subject in their grade 9th & 10th. In this particular area students develop a kind of portfolio via which students gains versatile ability. Benefits of the portfolio are many. This portfolio are the usually assignment asked in school. Portfolio also helps students for the presenting it to the various Art & Design Colleges admission as well as scholarships. The details about the portfolio are mentioned in separate PDF file where you will get an complete idea what we do and how we do when its portfolio preparation. 


2nd Benefit of Foundation Programme - Elementary &Intermediate Exam Preparation

Preparing students for the elementary and intermediate examination. Every Year Goverment of Mahharashtra conducts these grade exams for the students from grade VII onwards. In this foundation programme we will train students for these drawing exams targeting good score for the students. These exams are very useful. Certificate received in these examination is useful in various government and semi government colleges for the higher studies. Here we cover entire syllabus of the students wherein he / she does not have to join the classes outside specially for these exams. WE TAKE CARE OF ENTIRE SYLLABUS OF ELEMENTARY AND INTERMEDIATE DRWING EXAMS. 


3rd Benefit of Foundation Programme -
Educating Students for the various Designing software 

Adding knowledge of Photoshop, Coral Draw, Illustrator, Dream viewer, 3Ds Max to your list of skills can make you a more valuable employee. It allows you to work on a variety of additional projects and may provide opportunities for advancement or the ability to work on a more diverse set of projects. From website work to marketing projects and even product design, these all software training can play a vital role in many positions.


4th Benefit of Foundation Programme -
Preparing for the entrance exams of various design colleges (Private + Government) 

Preparing students for the NID, UCEED, NIFT, NATA and JEE Paper 2 (Either Design or Architecture or both • In this preparation we will take care of both the aspects like preparing for the GAT (General Ability Test), NAT (Numerical Answer Type), MSQ (Multiple Select Questions), GK (General Knowledge), MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions), English Language & Mathematics. and CAT (Creative Ability Test) So at a glance we prepare for the academics as well as we take care of Drawing & Sketching part • We have well experienced faculty to teach academics as well as creative aspects. We have Mr. Kishor Patil - Expert in Mathematics, Ms. Simar Ahuwalia - Expert in English
Language. Also we have Ferzin Khan who takes care of General Knowledge. 


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